Request for Quotation

Fill out the form or contact us for any information

    * mandatory fields

    Audio system (select the value relative to the maximum capacity of the room/location)

    Not required50100150altro

    Video projection screens (select the screen based on the type and size)

    4:3 format (standard)

    Not required2,50 x 1,693 x 2,254 x 3other

    16:9 format (HD)

    Not required2,50 x 1,403,30 x 1,864 x 2,25other

    Video projection systems (in ANSI LUMEN)

    4:3 format (standard)

    Not required300050007000other

    16:9 format (HD)

    Not required400060008000other

    Monitor / TV LED (select the size, in inches, desired)

    Not required405565other

    Simultaneous translation (select the number of languages to be translated and the number of participants)


    Not required2 (1 cabin)3 (2 cabins)4 (2 cabins)other


    Not required50100150other

    Televoting (select the number of devices required for voting)

    Not required50100150200
    Want to be conctated before receiving quotation: YesNo